WATER: Presently the major source of water in L- Zone is through ground water i.e. hand pumps, tube wells and village wells for domestic consumptions. The domestic demand is also supplemented through tankers and village ponds. According to MPD- 2001, the minimum domestic water supply in any residential area should be @ 135 litre per capita per day. The present population of these zones is about 1.5 lacs for which a minimum water requirement as per Master Plan norms works out to about 4.8 MGD and for projected population the requirement is estimated as 7.2 MGD. In order to improve the water situation, following specific proposals are made in the master plan:
i) Improvement of existing natural water bodies.
ii) Rain water harvesting, wherever feasible.
iii) Phased Planning and design of water augmentation and distribution system.
iv) Possibility of ground water recharge through Najafgarh Jheel.

i) Najafgarh
ii) 6 growth centres.
iii) 10 growth points.
iv) Other basic villages.
POWER: All the villages in the zone have regular power supply to meet the domestic as well as agriculture power requirements. Diesel power generation sets are also in use to supplement the power supply through DVB. The eastern boundary of the planning zone L has 220 KV HT Corridor, connecting Bamnoli, Najafgarh and Bawana. The power network, shall be further upgraded by the Delhi Vidyut Board by erecting a 400 KV TC transmission line as indicated in the Plan. In order to improve the availability of power in the zone, a detailed distribution network needs to be planned by the D.V.B. essentially to meet the additional requirement of Najafgarh Town, proposed growth centres and Growth Points. The requirement of additional land for new sub-stations as well as transmission corridors etc. have to be duly integrated with planning and development of the Growth Centres / Growth Points, setting of wind mills and Solar Energy Centres at appropriate location with financial support of Department of non- conventional source of energy may also be explored.
DRAINAGE: Najafgarh drain is the major natural drainage system in the zone. The other important drains area Mundela, Mungeshpur drain with “outfall” in the Najafgarh drain . During heavy rains, part of the area in the zone covering settlements in the South and South West , occasionally face problem of flooding . The plan recommends desilting of major drains and planning and development of flood protection measures, through construction of bunds at appropriate locations, as per the recommendation of the Flood Control Deptt.
WASTE MANAGEMENT: Most of the villages have no formal arrangements for disposal of domestic waste. In the absence of the formal collection, transportation and disposal facility the waste is casually dumped outside the village abadi or along the road side. There is a scope for definite improvement in the collection, treatment and disposal of waste by way of identifying sites fir dustbins / dhallaos, land filling sites etc. Gobar Gas Plants and waste recycling centres may also be set up at selected location.
HEALTH: Delhi, being the capital city, enjoys specialized medical facilities not only for it’s population, but the population of surrounding towns. Master Plan proposes a six tier system of health facilities in the urban areas, with norms of 5 beds per 1000 population. No separate standard of health facilities for rural areas has been provided in the Master Plan. As per Directorate of Health Services, GNCT, Delhi, there are two hospitals and 36 dispensaries existing in the zone. For further upgrading and health facilities, following is proposed. The plan also recommends promotion of other forms of preventive and curative health facilities such as Homeopathy, Ayurvedic and Naturopathy as per the requirement and health policy of GNCT, Delhi.

The purpose of the plan is to promote quality of life by organizing the appropriate development of land in accordance with the policies and land use proposals contained in the plan. The basic priority of development is to:
i) Restrict urban related growth
ii) To conserve the natural features, to sustain the eco- system.
iii) To develop scheme for supply of water, power and other utilities
iv) Special Programme for job oriented education centre.
v) Implementation of Mini Master Plan Proposals.
vi) To promote agricultural prospects / provision.
You have shared well define features of L zone and good to know the discussed infrastructure of physical and social by you. keep it up!
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