By accepting defeat one actually accepts his own self, and takes the full responsibility of the outcome of one’s own actions, due to which the defeat has happened. You are ready to evaluate all your actions and understand why you earned the results you received and by doing so we open up a source of positive energy and are ready to look into other possibilities of winning and trying again with new double the force, passion, desire and determination to keep going.
Once we have understood our defeat and failure now we can turn it around. Our vision gets clearer and in the right perspective we can view the things and use them for our long term benefits. All suffering and struggle is momentary, thereby helping us to free ourselves of shackles of helplessness.
Will power and strength of conviction shatter the cloak of neglect and sadness and like a magnet, pull the soul, mind, and psyche to fuse in unison and attain self fulfillment. Thus using the defeat to learn from one’s mistakes and thus bounce back stronger and much more learned.
Accepting defeat through introspection and following the dictates of the soul within and the truth outside, turns the tables.
Defeat is no longer a defeat. It turns to be a lesson unto patience and tolerance. Suffering is no longer a pain- it results in strength of character. Moral values so imbibed turn failure to success and provide energy and courage to accept defeat as a stepping stone to glory.
Face the reality and accept this defeat, for in this acceptance lies your real success. Accept it. Trying to change the facts or look at the situation in a way that doesn't recognize your defeat is counterproductive. When you have lost, accept that fact. Having lost you win gloriously.
Few tips for accepting defeat and winning with glory:
1. Accept it: It happened. So what? You have the power to let it impact you for days or for a few hours or not at all. It happens to everyone hundreds of times throughout the life.
2. Learn from it: Instead of looking at losing as a failure, accept it as a challenge to better your craft. Competition should not be about others but yourself. You can opt to use the defeat to better or lose yourself. It’s your choice.
3. Moving forward: Set your sights on a new goal, create new challenges for yourself. If you experienced a big defeat, set your sights on smaller goals until you complete the bigger picture. However, any accomplished journey comes from small steps, so keep moving.
4. Imitate your role models/ idols: Just think about how your role model would have dealt with defeat in a similar situation? They must have used many successful ways to cope with it. Discover the ways in which someone that you admire chose to handle their defeat. It’s likely that their solution could work for you too.
5. Distraction: Instead of letting self-doubt and negativity occupy your mind, put your attention somewhere else. Volunteer or spend time helping someone else get over their problems. These activities can additionally do wonders for your self-esteem.
Besides the practical knowledge which defeat offers, there are important personality profits to be taken. Defeat is nothing but education; nothing but the first step to something better. Accept it and move ahead.
Life gives us a thousand reasons to cry, but a million reasons to smile, it is like any game you can either win or lose but whatever happens whether you win or you lose , you need to smile after that and play once again.
It is good to lose; our victory is hidden in this defeat. Losing over in a small crisis teaches us how to win over the big battles of life. Happy Winning
Interesting perspective. I know that I always grew more in loss than I did in hollow victory. It would be nice if everyone prescribed to this philosophy.
ReplyDeleteFollowing you from MBC! YOu can find me at: http://nomieecoware.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteI like your post! Very informative :o)
Hi Meagan, i fully agree we should put this concept to practical life. Thanks
ReplyDeleteThanks Nomie, i shall check your blog too.
ReplyDeleteNishit Khandelwal @ facebook
ReplyDeleteMadam its a beautiful blog. You write very well. Thanks for sharing... God Bless..
Piyush Katta @ Facebook
ReplyDeleteyour thinking is very good and i am impressed by your blog
Kunal Kumar @ Plaxo
ReplyDeleteWhere you are just accept it. Definitely you will reach one step of your success.
One of the Best Blog $$$
Kunal Kumar
Regional Sales Manager for INDIA & NEPAL, Soft Sensations Pvt. Ltd.
Nehru Place, New Delhi(INDIA)
ajayrathee @ twitter
ReplyDelete@soniakathuria with every defeat I face,Ist thing to hit my mind is how wud Howard Roark deal with it?cud relate to the article.well written
1:20 AM Jun 5th, 2010