If our attention is scattered and fragmented moving from one thing to another, we will be unable to create what we desire and we will have little to show for our efforts. Without a conscious focused attention and awareness and mindfulness, we will continually live in the past or in the future. We will respond to our life experiences rather than proactively creating them. Fixity is a power if utilized properly, shall help us to focus on exactly what we want, and thus righteously creating circumstances to achieve the same.
We are beings of infinite creativity and if we look a little deeper, beings of infinite consciousness. We create our experiences and the reality of those experiences by how we focus our attention and awareness. The more directed or concentrated the focus of our attention and awareness the more energy we can put into that on which we focus. The more energy we put in, the greater the probability we will manifest an experience of what we desire.
In the end fixity is what carries us towards our goals. If man has walked on the Moon or is going to land on Mars someday, it is because of our determination to extend our presence far beyond the earth, by surmounting the difficulties and increasing our knowledge and awareness about ourselves, our existence and the universe in which we live. Fixity means having the ability to stay on course, to remain focused on our goals, to stand up to the problems and obstacles with conviction, to be fixed and firm about our decisions, solutions and intentions and to apply the power of our will to our dreams and desires with firm resolve, grit, fortitude, faith and courage.
If there is one gift that you can give to yourself in your life to be what you want to be, it is the power of fixity. Without it you are a mere passive spectator in the drama of your life.
If there is one trait that makes a difference between a winner and a loser or a leader and a follower, it is the power of fixity. Without it, one may dream wild dreams, but will not accomplish much in life.
If you have determination nothing can stop you and nothing can deter you from following a particular course of action to achieve your goals or realize your dreams...so follow 5 simple steps:
• No casual approach, have strong determination to see things through.
• Know exactly what you want, and be clear about why you want it.
• Have simple and easy steps to follow plan, to keep you focused.
• Carry out the plan to support your self esteem and self worth.
• Address your fears and deal consciously and constructively with them.

The achievements of mankind till date are the products of strong determination and will-power.
Fixity is that one ingredient that has mountain moving faith, miracle generating faith, earth shaking faith and situation changing faith. I am fixed to my goal, I shall not move. If the times are tough, the toughness shall move, I am fixed to my goal, I can rise above the rough times, but my eyes shall remain fixed on my dreams and my goal.
Wait, be patient, be fixed, the storm shall pass. The spring will come. New feelings will come, new ideas will come, only if you keep waiting affirmatively and positively in prayer for God’s strength to return. He will definitely renew your strength. During the rough times when your strength is tested, surrender your fixity to God. Let Him be in control of your life. Ask Him three questions: Who am I? Why am I here? And Where am I heading towards? Listen to the answers and get the right counseling and guidance, direct from the source.
If you want to succeed, if you want to conquer, then Hope- hold on, practice fixity- praying expectantly!!
I came across your blog sonaikathuria and now following it..
ReplyDeleteI liked the way you think.. Even I think we waste most of the time in life doing work for someone else..
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.. Still need to read some more post..
Thanks & Regards,
Prasad N. Kulkarni @ Yahoo
Sonia Goyal @ Facebook
ReplyDelete17 June 2010 at 02:18
Hi MAM...its good to be in touch with you after so long..and I love your writing...never knew you had a writer within you..its amazing
Wonderful writing.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing such an inspiring sequence of words with us :)
You are welcome Apoyando
ReplyDeleteI came across your blog sonaikathuria and now following it..
ReplyDeleteI liked the way you think.. Even I think we waste most of the time in life doing work for someone else..
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.. Still need to read some more post..
Thanks & Regards,
Prasad N. Kulkarni
Wednesday, June 16, 2010 1:43 PM