Thursday, February 18, 2010

Attitude Of Gratitude

We all would have experienced this at some point or other in our life that being thankful for small things, is a wonderful gesture and brings instant peace, happiness and a feeling of contentment.

But at times we ignore such an important thanksgiving ritual and take it for granted. I am addressing here giving thanks to our parents, our roots, because of whom we are here in this world and whatever we are today is because of the sacrifices, love and affection or even anger and strictness which they gave us in the childhood, when we were weak physically and mentally to face this world on our own. They have gone through the hardships so that we can have a life of ease. They had taken care of us in our times of "helplessness".

We are an extension of our father and mother and owe our life to them because they have given us life; shelter, care, love and support.

Most of us are actually grateful for that every single day, but do not speak it, acknowledge it or share it.
We need to express this gratitude to our parents- it is really important, because if we cannot love our parents who have loved us so much and done so much to us, we are not only depriving them of this love but even ourselves of divine love and energy? Consider what our parents have done for us and while there is yet time repay them as best as we can. Atleast one thanks and one I Love you, is this also too much being asked for!!!!

Too many times we hide the real impact of someone's contribution because we are worried we're going to sound silly or too serious. When we dare to let people know how our lives are changed by their presence, we open the door to greater connection. Not only that, we give people valuable data about what they are doing that's making the world a better place. These kinds of conversations change us, so don't be shy, say how happy, relieved, encouraged, thankful, hopeful or glad you are that they have been simply there, when you wanted them the most. And from there it is like something opens up in the heart. It is like roots begin to grow–and one is grounded.

If your parents are alive take the opportunity to express your love and gratitude. This opportunity is not forever. If they have passed on you can still express your love and gratitude, write it on a piece of paper and share it with someone you love, and they will receive it “spiritually”! If your parents were not good to you, give them a gift of forgiveness and experience the power of giving. Revisit the past and just think about the circumstances they have gone through either as a child or later, perhaps it would justify their behavior towards you. Forgive and forget that for your own good.

Thanks giving is an art of self expression, and if your self expression is not good with your parents, then you will have trouble expressing yourself fully anywhere in life. Where ever we deal with situations in life it is either a male or a female we have to deal with, if we are not good at dealing with our roots, we have not expressed our love to them, our gratitude to them, two important basics, we shall not be able to righteously express ourselves anywhere in life. And if this is an important concern you are facing just go ahead hug your parents and tell them how much you love them, and how grateful you are for them being there. Trust me you shall be surprised at the response you shall get within yourself. Go ahead and experience it.


  1. I'm stopping by from MBC and now following.

    I look forward to reading more!


  2. Beautiful article!

  3. That's such a good reminder. Everyone should be able to talk to their parents openly and even if they can't, it is still good to be present and thankful and forgiving (if necessary). Now following from MBC, you can find me at
    Thanks, it was a sweet post.

  4. Thanks Ash, for stopping by and following

  5. MessyMissy, thanks for stopping by and giving your views, I appreciate.

  6. after reading i can only comment for my parents 'love u mom and dad'

  7. thats the love all parents should be given,
