Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Beautiful City Of Venice, Italy

Millions of people head to Venice every year for one simple reason; it is like no other city on Earth. The city offers fantastic architecture, wonderful food, unique shopping opportunities, and great historical sites. Everything in Venice is so picturesque. It is easy to get lost in this city of more than 100 islands united by over 400 bridges and many waterways. Venice is an artistic and architectural masterpiece filled with palaces from the Renaissance and the Gothic and Byzantine periods. It is known as one of the world's most extraordinary beautiful and unique cities.

Venice is a beautiful and unusual city with such breathtaking sites, smells and sounds. It's a place full of energy that everyone should experience at least once in their lives.

Some of the many outstanding attractions worth visiting in Venice include one of the first things one sees as soon as one is out from the Santa Lucia station-The San Giogio Maggiore. This is a church that was set upon the tiny island across from Venice and it's the dream work of architects everywhere. The structure is the creation of Andrea Palladio who built the church in 1566. It sports a classical design which includes a line of columns that separate the Austere Choir loft from the alter.

Another not to miss site is Saint Mark’s Basilica, which is the most renowned church in Venice. It's named such because the remains of St. Mark, who is the patron saint of the city of Venice, are kept there. The church actually sits in the eastern side of St. Mark's Square. This is the heart and soul of Venice and it's one of the most desired photo attractions for tourists in the world.

Other attractions include:
Burano, San Rocco,

Doge’s Palace,
The Grand Canal,
Santa maria dei Miracoli,
Campo Santa Margherita,
Rialto Market,
Anyone with any appreciation of history and architecture will absolutely love a visit to Venice. The city offers the kinds of memories and experiences that cannot be had anywhere else.

Among those who've seen it in person, the conclusion is unanimous: Venice is the most beautiful city in the world, and the only one that can truly be described as unique. Each building is a work of art, with their beauty enhanced when reflected on the canals that cross the city. Its magical scenery is fascinating and breathtaking at first sight, evoking the feeling of entering the setting of a real-life fairy tale. It's perhaps even unfair to all other cities to call Venice a city, as it is a place unlike any other that no other can compare to.

When one is in Venice you can walk for hours or days and you will find something different every time.Places in Venice can be difficult to find if you do not carry a map. It is easy to find the Saint Mark Ducal Palace and the Bridge of Rialto but rest of the beautiful and mysterious Venice might elude you. Get lost in the beauty of its streets and enjoy.


  1. Thank's for following me. I am now following you back)

  2. Very nice! I will travel through you! :0)

    I wanted to stop by and thank you for participating in the Get Wired Blog Hop. I am following you.


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    Peace and Love,

    Najeema Iman, I AM Curly Locks

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    Thank you :)

  5. wow how i wish i can set my foot in this beautiful city.

    for now you have to travel for me hopefully someday i'll experience it on my own

  6. Following you now from Lioness' blog hop! The pictures are beautiful and you make me want to go to Venice! I'm really looking forward to reading more of your blog.


  7. thanks splilled milkshake, yes once in a lifetime u shd visit Venice.

  8. S.k. Sharma @ Facebook

    "Shabash Beta. Your blogs are thought provoking. Keep it up. May God bless you."

  9. S.k. Sharma and Nirmal Kumari Sharma like this @ Facebook.

  10. A very cool places i wish that i can be there. Just can't imagine how beautiful took it in artistic view it Sonia.D

  11. Yes Fazrul it was really a cool and beautiful place full of all artistic views. U must visit it once in a life time.

  12. Following from the blog hop! What beautiful pictures of Venice!Someday I'll be able to go there...
    Twitter @AutisticMama #BeyondAutism
    Beyond Autism on Facebook

  13. Lovely description of venice and very beautiful pictures.I now feel like visting the city once.

  14. Thanks Beyond Autism, yes sure u shd go one day.

  15. Hi Raji, thanks and u shd visit for sure.

  16. Wishes do come true, thanks strawberry Princess.

  17. Lovely pictures and excellent write-up

  18. Thank you for stopping by I am following you back! I wish I could some day take an Italian get away :) Beautiful!

  19. Beautiful pics...glad I found your blog!

    Following you back!

  20. Thanks for visiting my blog. Now following you back!

  21. Thanks Nataly, yes Italy get away shall be very interesting plan it soon.

  22. Beautiful pictures and as beautifully described too :)

  23. Inspired me to have a visit ...soon.. thank you very much for sharing....

  24. New follower from MBC Followers group - please come by and say hello!

  25. guess I have to add Venice to my bucket list...Thanks for this post!

  26. I certainly am determined to visit Europe and especially Italy one day! Beautiful pictures and experience! Following you now! God bless!
    Ang Johnson
    FB: The Mom Journal

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  28. Brought back old memories. Was there around this time in 2007. Thanks

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