Monday, August 15, 2011


It is once again 15th August, and time to remember that we are free. So let us check how much our freedom meter is this year in 2011 after officially 64 years of independence. What exactly I mean is how much free we are today? Freedom means that I can easily fly through my day and flying shall be easier if I am mentally light weight. And light weight is possible if I am free. Free from the hurt of past, free from the fear of future, free from anger, jealousy and proud.

When we talk about detachment in spirituality and be free, it is actually to be detached from these vices, for our actual freedom we have to get rid of these vices, which chain us up and direct our life in a limited direction. While man is born free and in this world he is here to enjoy all the freedom. And here, it is no outsider who can chain us, as we bound our self in to our self inflicted pain. The chains of bad habits/ vices are too weak to be felt until they are too strong to be broken!!

We like victimization, in order to avoid personal responsibility. Otherwise we have to work on our self and change our earlier belief system and thought cycle. So we give our self the permission to stay in that pain, in that state of fear, anger and other vices. And when we get emotionally addicted to this pain, we are used to this as a stimulant, we feel good with this hurt as a part of life. Even when no body actually hurts us, we go ahead and find such people; we invite them and choose their actions to be perceived as hurt. Accept people and reject pain.

So this 15th August, let us LET GO our deep rooted attachments, attachments to hurt, fear of losing, insecurity, holding tight. If something belongs to you, it belongs to you, don’t hold it inside, otherwise tightness develops and only pain will result. Actually by nature we are a light, free, peaceful soul and nothing belongs to soul, when we were born what did we bring with us, which we are calling ours today. Similarly when we die what we can take with us? It is only our soul which was with us and which shall be there, so let go rest of everything and feel free today to enjoy what ever is here right now in the present with us.

When ever we are holding on to something, a person, place, possession etc, we have turned very mean and greedy because we are bothered about what will happen to me, if you will go? It is all about me and not about you. But little do we realize that detachment brings us even closer to people, as now the soul gets connected to the soul. Practice this art of let go and then we are actually FREE.

This independence day let us take a pledge together to be free from all past hurt, future fear, free from anger, greed, jealousy and proud. Forgiving but remembering the people and the situations of the past. Once our slate is clean, it is ready to create a beautiful present and future of our choice. Happy Independence Day.


  1. Such a great post! Indeed freedom is letting those negative feelings go so that you can achieve true happiness.

  2. yes Andreea, thats the summary of the whole post.

  3. MuMuGB thanks and wishing the same to u.

  4. Following through Indiblogger! Love this post! :)

  5. Hi sonia,

    just one comment when I read your article. I an wondering who can be free from the fear of the future? Ok I just watch collapse... that is maybe why I wandering this ;-)

  6. Hi F/B,

    You are right , the whole exercise is actually to learn to handle that fear with grace.

  7. Loved this post. Yes, let us all start afresh with a clean slate.

  8. Hi Sonia..I couldn't agree more with you...if we had started in 1947 with a clean slate, we wouldnt have had to do a second quit India movement today...shows that we didn't let go of a few things back then..lovely post..wish the rest of the nation could think the way you do...:) tk care...

    Bloggie :)

  9. Excellent. The story you narrated is so beautiful.
