Thursday, May 20, 2010

Life Is Ironic

Life is so ironic, to understand fully, it takes sadness to appreciate real happiness, absence to value presence, noise to distinguish silence, a broken heart to find true love and trials to understand prayers.

It’s amazing how life is… Funny, ironic, strange, beautiful, sad, happy, painful, joyful. There are so many different shades to this wonderful creation of God and gift to mankind. It is like a beautiful painted picture and all these emotions are its various shades/colors, if it was all happy, and one color the beauty of the painting would be lost, since it has so many colors, and each color has its own role to play, altogether it looks so beautiful.

It's important for us to understand that when things find their way into our lives which are unexpected and/or may prove to be difficult to understand or even to make sense of, they often-times come with the loving hand of our Father in Heaven guiding us to where He would have us be. We must be honest and admit that we spend a great deal of time arranging our lives in a way that proves comfortable for us. However, our loving Father knows that this is not always what is best for us.

Troubles rouse our spirits, and constrain us to call upon the Lord in good earnest, when we feel a need of that help which we only can have from Him.
What do you do with the "but God" moments in life? When God interrupts your good plans, how do you respond? A great life lesson about how we view things that happen to us.....

Who knows if it is a blessing or a curse? No one knows. We only have a fragment. Life comes in fragments. Life's troubles and trials are only a part out of a big picture. We must be slow about drawing conclusions... Although we may not understand our circumstances, God does. His plan works everything out in His time, for our good and our growth....God, He is the one who has painted the complete picture of our life we are the one who sees it in parts, that is why at times we are overwhelmed and confused why this? why me? why now? But we can always pray: if we can’t have what we want, let us want what we have.

Note the word "consider." We have a choice concerning how we will view our trials. Are trials really divine paybacks for sin or a God sent opportunity to grow in spiritual maturity? It is so easy to react to difficult circumstances rather than carefully and thoughtfully respond to them. To react is natural. Responding to that same situation demands discipline. The issue is not what I feel like doing, but rather what should I do. Is God in control or am I alone? Trials offer an opportunity to make a conscious choice to think naturally or supernaturally.

There is something to be learned from praying even when it seems there is no answer. We learn important lessons in faith when we persevere in prayer and eventually see God’s miracle in our life, we would learn not to lose heart. No matter how bad your situation might seem, no matter how hopeless the circumstances, or how helpless you might feel, don’t lose heart. It may seem like God is far away and has abandoned you, but that is never the case. Instead, God wants you to learn how to persevere in your faith. Faith does not grow when everything is smooth and easy; faith grows when we are facing suffering or trials.

God will sometimes refuse our requests or delay in answering them. At those times we may become very frustrated and feel like giving up.
To those who persevere in prayer, God will act speedily. This should encourage us not to give up, not to lose hope. God will answer us according to his divine clock and by his eternal timing. It may sometimes seem like it’s taking too long, but years later we will understand the purpose of God’s timing.

The last thing is that true miracles happen in the heart. So when you find that people are especially kind to you and you are astonished how someone you would not expect has come to your rescue, or fixed something which you could not fix yourself, all through the goodness of that person's heart, you may draw the parallel that God has worked a miracle for you through that person's heart.

Consider it pure joy, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything – In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials.

Life is ironic so let us get inspired with the most minuscule ironic things in life. Little joys, people, things, incidents… that breathe of fresh air, smile on a child’s face, morning sun rays filtering through leaves of the tree, that lovely chat with an old friend, a warm hug with your loved one and all other small things, which are plenty to be seen all around, each day.

Things turn out best for the people who make the best out of the way things turned out. Let us enjoy the irony of life.


  1. Following you from MBC :)

    You skipped the best part of the verse - the second part. The first part doesn't make sense without it:

    "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him."

  2. Hello,

    Iam following you from MBC. Loved your post. Hope you will follow mw back too :)


  3. Hi thanks Kim for following, i agree with u, for the second part, but few things arrive in parts only in life & thats the irony of life. Shall cover the second part in other post, & when the parts of life r connected it becomes complete, that mystery has a role to play.....

  4. Hi thanks Sumana, for following & appreciating. I shall check your blog too & do the needful.

  5. Nice article... like revealing the sweet taste of torn pineapple.

  6. In life we have a lot to lose &
    very little to choose ..........
    Whenever u get a chance to choose
    do it wisely & see that u never lose
    what you choose ...............!

  7. A wonderful piece of writing. This is a must read for today's generation who take things for granted and do not realize the importance of things which they have until they are deprived of them.

    P.S > Congratulations, you completed your 100 followers :)

  8. I keep my friends as misers do their treasure, because, of all the things granted us by wisdom, none is greater or better than friendship.

  9. Hi thanks Stuti, you have good focus and creative thinking, just keep it up always...
